Passing through Bright on the way to the snowfields (snowfields!? Bah) there was a banner across the road saying “fight global warming” in reference to our utter lack of snow.
Global warming? Is it really the cause? Was global warming the cause of the season 30 years ago that was apparently worse than this one? Did global warming cause the extremely well snow-filled winter last season? And the season before? And currently in New Zealand, for example?
Fighting global warming is an admirable cause and I urge everybody to join the fight, however temperature fluctuations have been occuring for years (four and a half billion of them at last count) and there is not necessarily a causal link between me looking at bare grass on the summit and me having driven to the summit in a car.
Saying that the bad snow season is due to global warming is interesting. Saying that the bad snow season is due to natural meteorological processes is boring. I am going to string up a banner that says “fight natural meteorological processes” just for the whimsy of it.