The Importance Of Being Harpo
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
I had never seen a game of ultimate frisbee before I volunteered at the annual national championships last week.

Yes, indeed: competitive frisbee. The game is sort of like netball, in that it is non-contact and the person with the frisbee can't run with it — only pass it to a teammate — and also sort of like gridiron, because you score by getting the frisbee to a teammate in the endzone and that the idea in general play is to gradually make yardage up the field as you have possession.

The sport surprised me in a number of ways. Firstly, the higher-seeded matches displayed a great deal of skill: those guys can really throw with speed and accuracy and have superb control, when it's needed, over the way the frisbee swings to the left or right; and they were quite competitive as well: teams made a lot of noise when they scored and there was fierce support from the sidelines as games were on. And secondly, the lower-seeded matches were much less skillful: the participants were clearly just having a pleasant little run about in the park with their mates. I knew it was an amateur sport but at rare times I found the national championships just a little bit surprisingly amateur.

My task was simply to assist the organising committee with whatever was needed to aid the players. I helped prepare the lunches, man the bar, keep the bins empty and the water barrels full and also just point at stuff for people — all your standard volunteery things. They gave me a T-shirt.

The kicker was that I went five days straight without email and internet! How I am still breathing, I don't know.

oh btw chucky = charlotte.
so...gregor and ben, toby, did maria leave too?

for some reason, the (probably misquoted) phrase 'like rats from a sinking ship' comes to mind...
Oh nice one. Hey there Charlotte.

Ben did leave but, hooray, he came back again. I was talking about Justin which is old news for you (sorry to everybody else about all this in-house talk. You might like to entertain yourselves with the thrilling game of Hunt For Justin's Comments On This Blog). Yes Maria has gone: she could stand only eight weeks of Modernbill.

And it's a little odd just how often Justin, Maria, Gregor and Toby get compared to rats.

Would you be a big frisbee fan? I think it is a sport that will sweep the planet. It'll be the next curling.
Hey who are you referring to as a rat?

And for your reference I have posted only a few comments on this glorious blog. My writing skills always pale into significance to Harpo's! Not to mention his impeccable use of punctuation.
Pale into significance! I like it.

And I am prepared to go head-to-head against any takers at all with my keen punctuation ability. The crowds flock to see my commas.
yes indeed, justin is old news. what happened with ben leaving and coming back? sounds interesting and gossipy. how many other admin staff must be driven away before modernbill and its children are burnt in effigy. and i was less referring to people as rats than to the company as a sinking ship...

frisbee is pretty awesome, but i throw worse than a 5 year old girl. and in england they call them 'flying discs'. everything is so literal over here, 'cash machines', 'flying discs', ' ahem. ok.
Ben leaving and coming back sounds gossipy perhaps, but the dull truth was that he just went away on holiday. If only Modernbill went away on holiday.

I regret making that curling gag earlier. I actually enjoyed the frisbee and was just being a smug prat with the gag comparing it to curling.

Because curling is a crock. There, I've said it.

And there's no need to go all bashful about a good plateful of spotted dick. It's everybody's favourite.
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